
Why designers choose pure silk fabrics for wedding gowns ---By Lynn at Predatex Silk

Many customers of Predatex Silk are wedding gown brands from all round the world!
Why silk fabric, you might come up with such a questions!
"Luxurious" is the first word that came into my brain. It is almost certain that the most important gown a female would ever wear or buy would always be the one for the Special day! (Or might say some would get married for many time....In this case, Let's take her first wedding as example because most of them haven't thought they would have the chance to wear another!)   Since it is so important and special, the bride definitely need a luxurious wedding gown to make sure that day she is the most stunning one in the world and most stunning time ever in her lifetime. What is the most luxurious fabric to make the gown? Nothing but high quality silk fabrics!

"White and clean" came right after! When you picture a wedding gown in your mind, I bet it is some white lace and silk gown... Why and how? Have you ever tried getting to know how the wedding gown become such certain combination in your mind? Is it some tradition that has been for long time? NO! It was started in year 1840, the year Britain launched the First Opium War against China when China's silk fabrics were such a precious then in European Land.(If interest, you could get to know more about it on wiki, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Opium_War) What else happened that year? The queen Victoria got married with a gorgeous white wedding gown in lace and silk! I will let wiki to introduce for me about it again as I guess it describes better than what a Chinese Silk supplier do... The link is as following, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_wedding
After that specific wedding, the lace and silk gown has become a fashion ever after till today!  The white and clean dress do match the best for a new bride waiting to start a long last marriage with the one she love!

Time for examples of silk fabric(White or dyed) prices now!
SilkChiffon 8mm(weight) 140cm(width) ===About USD6.50/mtr
SilkSatin Charmeuse 19mm(weight) 140cm(width) ===About USD13.00/mtr
SilkCrepe de Chine 40mm(weight) 140cm(width)=== About USD25.00/mtr

If you have purchased silk fabrics with price more or less than above mentioned list, congratulations to you, you are dealing with a reasonable silk supplier! If the price is lower than that or even much lower, trust me, your "silk" must be fake with polyesters or viscose! If the price reached you are much higher, please do not hesitate to contact Predatex Silk ASAP for reasonable price and reliable quality! Predatex Silk, based in Mainland China, deals with only 100% Mulberry silk fabrics in best quality!

For more information, please kindly check our website for more www.predatextile.com
Contacts: Lynn@predatextile.com or Jasom@predatextile.com +86-18298258162(WhatsApp)
For anyone who would like to copy this article, please clarify that it is from Lynn at www.predatextile.com.

Thank you very much!

